2024 is in the books. Finished last square this morning after I logged yesterday’s temperatures. Will start working on header board for wall display and color key.
Now to catch up on projects I started throughout the past year.
My little space of Heaven (sanity control).
Now to catch up on projects I started throughout the past year.
This year's anniversary trip was American Cruise Lines National Parks and Legendary River Cruise. We started in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. National Parks were: The Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and Glacier. After a week on the road, it was onto the cruise ship for a leisurely cruise down the Snake and Columbia Rivers following Lewis and Clark. I was amazed at how wide the rivers were. Sometimes up to a mile wide.
The motor coach had us on the move everyday. The hotels/lodges were very nice and the food exceptional. The cruise was on a small boat (180 people I believe). Had a culinary demo from the Pastry Chef on New Orleans Pralines!The motor coach had water bottle holders on the back of the seats. They made a nice holder for my pattern and tatting accessories. The cruise had a couple of cruise days, so while hubby took a nap, I pulled out my tatting.
I brought plenty of left over scrap threads for making butterflies and a shuttle wound with beads/thread for angels. Both Adventure Guides and bus driver received angels. They all did a great job with keeping us safe and entertained. Butterflies were given to anyone who stopped by to ask what I was doing.
Georgia Seitz mystery doily has come back alive! Tat-a-Renda has started a Facebook page titled Georgia’s Mystery Doily Tat-along. Not to late to join if your interested.
Georgia had seen this doily in an antique store and was intrigued. She published the doily online and invited tatters to solve the mystery of creating a pattern. Vicki Reynolds and Patricia Dowden came up with a pattern. They are similar but each has a slightly different count.
I had made this doily years ago. Seemed to me I really had to tat tight to make the chains fit between the clusters of rings. This time, everything seems to be playing nice.
Round 1 is complete. Using Cebelia size 20 thread. I don’t need another project; however, I am at a stopping point with my temperature tat-along. I run out of a color and waiting for it to come back in stock. So since I can not tat any further on it, the mystery doily will fill in the void.
This is my second start. While doing Round 1, I noticed I had an extra picot in two separate areas. I decided to start over and reverse the colors. I think the green will pop the negative space more than the blue.
Getting my passion for tatting back! Besides getting back to the temperature tat-along, there is a new tat-along getting started on Facebook. Tat-a-Renda has received permissions and is reviving Georgia’s Mystery Doily as a tat-along. Search Facebook for Georgia’s Mystery Doily Tat-along to join for those who are interested and have not joined in Starting date TBD.