Thursday, July 18, 2024

Temp Tat-Along and Butterflies


Catching up on the temperature tat-along.  January at bottom.  Now working on June.  Got a bit behind due to a couple family members being hospitalized, watching grandkids, doctor appointments and a lack of wanting to do anything.  Now that things have again simmered down, I am feeling more energized to work on things again.  May has been warm being 80-85 degrees F.  June looks like it is following the same pattern.

In the meantime, I have been using scrap threads to make butterflies.  These will be donated to The Palmetto Tatters Guild at Tat Days in August.  

I have also done some color research.  I hope to be getting my dyes out and play with new color ways for next years Tat Days.  This will be a winter project as I have projects I need to finish first.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Much of Nothing

It has been a quiet month and a half tatting/craft wise.  Grandson tonsil surgery, hubby had a case of pancreatitis and doctor visits have kept us busy and the feeling of wanting to do much of nothing.  Was able to finish test tatting for Palmetto Tat Days which will be held in August.  I’ll post pictures after Tat Days.  

Did sign up for Palmetto Tat Days.  Look forward to seeing everyone old and new.

Now that life has settled down, I have started tatting/crafting again.  I am about 2 months behind on the temperature tat-along.  Hoping to get catch up quickly.  

Tat Tat for now.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024



When waiting for doctor and test results for a family member,  you bring your tat bag.  Yesterday was butterflies.  Today is Angels to hand to nurses.  Two already handed out. Tomorrow maybe more Angels to get ready for grandson’s tonsil surgery next month.

Pattern is called Marie Smith’s Angel.  This was from Palmetto Tatters Tat Days many years ago.  Thread is Lizbeth White and Blue Ice.  Seed beads separate the rings in the middle.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Tat Days 2023 - Projects

Finally getting around to finish these two projects from last year (only needed findings).  The dark beaded earrings is the Beanile technique.  They are a self closing mock ring.  Pattern by Nina Libin taught by Bonnie Swank.  The orange is called September Jewerly Set by Richard Embrey.  Very easy set to tat.

Friday, March 1, 2024

TTAL Jan-Feb


Temperature Tat A-Long is done for January-February.  February has been warmer than I can remember.  Think I will give a nice pressing before I begin March!